Canada is one beautiful country, there’s no doubt about it! Be it the natural beauty of this
place, or the hospitality of its people, Canada has emerged as one of the best places to live
in the world. This is the reason why the rate of immigration to this country has increased
over the years. Be it for better career opportunities, business, or education, Canada is the
new favorite of a very large proportion of global population. This time, we have come up with some of the very interesting
and important things about Canada you should definitely know before immigrating to this
exquisite country. Read through to get yourself enlightened!

Unified Diversity

When it comes to Canadian ethos, multiculturalism is an integral part of it, and central to
national policy. In fact, 41 sitting members of the Canadian parliament were born abroad.
Encountering myriad languages, cultures, and religions shall not be a matter of surprise for
you as you come across rural communities. In addition to this, it is a bilingual country with
English and French as its official languages.

The Challenging Weather

The country is cold, there’s no denying that. But very fewer people know that apart from
being extremely cold in winters, the country is super hot in summers. Except for BC coast,
most of the regions are characterized by hot summers and snowy winters. These are further
accompanied with short transitional seasons.

Get Used to Tipping

When it comes to servers and bartenders, they generally earn minimum wages, which is
why tipping is much expected in the country. The hourly wages range from $8 to $10. While
it may not be quite a common practice in your country, tipping in Canada is very common.
So, you would have to become habitual of it.

The Cost of Living

People in Canada have a very high standard of living. And when it comes to the cost of
living, it may vary upon the area and city where you live. Hence, doing good research is
recommended before you move. For example, Vancouver and Toronto are considered as
the downtown areas, hence relatively expensive. If you have high salaries, you can opt for

Hunt for Job

Research is essential whenever you decide to move to a foreign land, and the same is
applicable to Canada. Let us make it very clear that looking and applying for jobs on the

Canadian land can become quite a lengthy process. Actually, it can be much longer than
what you expected. It can even take a month to find a job. So, either move after finding a
job, or prepare funds to tide yourself through your early days in the country.

Because Smoking is Injurious to Health

Smoking is strictly prohibited in the country and that is for all the right reasons. People are
not supposed to smoke in the public areas, be it offices, stores, hospitals, restaurants, and
other areas of employment. Shared areas of apartment and buildings also fall in this
category. The only places where you can smoke is your own living space and of course, the
great outdoors.

Everything About Driving Licenses

You’ve got to know about the whole driving license scene in Canada before moving to this
country. Most of the examinations and tests completed by you in your home country might
not be valid here. One of the reasons being the fact that driving licenses are provided by the
federal government, and not by the provinces. The other reason being the fact that
different countries have specific agreements with the provinces.
So, these were some of the very important things you must consider before you decide to
move to the Canadian land. For the rest, you could leave it all to us.

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