Empty streets, frontline workers all decked out in PPE kits, and people locked in their homes in fear of something they can’t even see, at least not with naked eyes. Most of us might have watched the apocalyptic scene in a lot of sci-fi movies, but little did we know it would become a reality. All thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic! Lockdowns, quarantines, and cancellations have turned our lives upside down, and 2020 seems like a nightmare. Amid all the tumult and unrest, there’s a lot COVID-19 has taught us. Here are some of those.

It is Not that Difficult to Take Care of Environment

As people began self-isolating themselves, nature started healing. Rivers and oceans are getting cleaned on their own. Flora and fauna of different regions are flourishing, and the quality of air is improving tremendously. Taking care of the environment seems difficult in the first place, but it is the little drops of water that make the mighty ocean. The problem is nobody wants to take the initiative, and some of us often give up while getting entwined in confusion and hesitations. The COVID-19 pandemic has proved that you can do it if you really want to save mother earth.

Also, read, Can COVID-19 spread through food?

Socializing is Important for Humans

They say that man is a social animal, and rightly so. While social distancing is the need of the hour, people are yearning for human interaction more than ever. This is a lesson that none of us should take each other for granted. Be it your family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, or even your grumpy boss; it is essential to meet each other to nurture good mental health. You might be an introvert, but a monthly get-together is vital to lead a healthy life. The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us the importance of office tea breaks, nights at the bars, and a hearty lunch with your family. So, when you return to your normal routine, do not forget to see the people who mean the most to you. Above all, do not forget to meet your grandparents; they need you the most!

Economy is Fragile

While money is the most important thing for most humans today, people should know that economy is fragile. While it is heartbreaking to see migrant workers suffering from struggling economies, there are people committing suicides. Companies shutting down, people losing their jobs, and those getting barely paid, the COVID-19 has shaken the whole world. For some, the damage and misery are incomprehensible; others are trying to stay sane amid the current crisis. Above all, money is essential for survival, as you need to buy the essentials. No, we are not talking about toilet paper and corn flakes; we are talking about the daily bread and some vegetables to feed oneself.

Of all, the economically weakest section of the society is struggling hard, and we don’t know who to blame. We leave that question to you.

Save Water! Lack of Water can be Detrimental

Wash your hands for 20 seconds to ward off Coronavirus. You must have heard this sentence in hundreds of ads by now, and you must follow it. But to keep yourself healthy, you don’t have to waste one of the essential resources on the planet. Many parts of the world face severe water crisis, and you wouldn’t want to become the reason for it. It takes a few steps to do that. Make sure you don’t keep the water running while applying soap on your hands and keep a check on running taps. The world is already going through a lot, and it doesn’t need another rife to make things worse. Start with little steps and see how it can turn into something huge.

Empathy Goes a Long Way!

While COVID-19 has taught us the importance of human interaction, it has also taught us how empathy can change our lives. It is heartwarming to see financially stable people giving back to the community and helping those who are suffering the most. Not to mention, some celebrities and influential people are coming out of their comfort zones and helping stranded people reach their homes. Some are providing masks, food, and sanitizers to those who can’t afford it. It brings hope in a world that lacks kindness and compassion.

It is a challenging time for the whole world. The worst part is that nobody when will the pandemic end. Everybody is doing their bit to fight the virus and stay safe. We pay tribute to all the frontline workers who are putting their lives at stake to save others. All we could do is stay home and avoid stepping out of the home. Stay home, stay healthy!

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