With technology changing all areas, the retail realm remains no exception. Also known as retail technology, these solutions help provide an enhanced shopping experience to customers that further boost profits and help businesses grow. Here are some retail technology trends in 2022. Take a look. 

Artificial Intelligence: Whether it’s using robots as customer service executives or using machine learning to solve business and consumer problems, AI can be used in the retail realm to maximize profits and save costs. 

Barcode Technology: Barcode technology is not a novelty in retail. It was always there, but its usability is only increasing with time. It’s not limited to checkouts and fetching product information but is now being used for contactless shopping. As the state of the Covid-19 pandemic keeps fluctuating, retailers must leverage barcode technology to provide a safer way of shopping. 

Omnichannel Retail: While modern shoppers enjoy online shopping, stores are here to stay. Hence, the future is omnichannel retail that entails everything from shopping via social media platforms to trying different items at the store. The same will expand this year and beyond. 

Experiential Shopping: The 21st-century shoppers love technology. Hence, using Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) for experiential shopping will help engage shoppers better. One such example is Virtual Fitting Rooms and the use of AR to let you try clothes without actually doing so. 

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